STARTING the NSS ONLINE Registration
There are two ways to start the online registration.
1. Go to: OR
Click check & Pay for Pincode
Next is to input your index number in the format RGNxxxxxxx or RCNxxxxxxx. You are also required to enter your date of birth to proceed.
After entering your valid date of birth click SEARCH
After entering a valid school index Number and date that matches the existing data in NSS database, you will see the following page
Enter your contact details to proceed to the payment page,
You can choose to select any payment option, But for the purposes of learning and fast results
select MTN Mobile Money Web, enter your MTN mobile number to continue
To complete Payment follow the instructions below
After successful payment
2. Go to where you checked the PIN CODE again.
At the bottom of the page where your Name, Course of study, index number, Pin code, etc are displayed, you see
[ Continue to Registration]
Click on the [ Continue to Registration]
3. A page shall be opened for you to enter your Index Number & Pin Code.
Note: Type the index number together. Don’t separate the alphabets from the digits.
Don’t do this :
RGN 2344665
Do this :
1. Go to
2. Click on the NSS portal.
Again, You can skip the above steps.
Simply open this link:
4. First, enter your INDEX NUMBER & PIN CODE.
Note: Type the index number together.
Don’t separate the alphabets from the digits.
Don’t do this :
RGN 2344665
6. You will be asked to select your means of Identification.
7. Click on the drop-down menu to select the type of National ID you want to use.
8. Types of ID are voter ID, SSNIT card, Driver’s license or Travelers passport.
8. After selecting the ID type,
enter the ID number.
9. After entering the ID number, you will see [ person found]
10. The image of the ID card shall be displayed but the photo on it will be hidden.
11. Check the bottom of that page & click on [Confirm]
13. Then upload your passport photograph.
14. The dimensions of the photo should be 150 × 200 pixels.
With the size not more than 1mb.
15. A passport photo with a white background is preferable.
However, you can use a photo with a red background too.
16. NOTE: The registration forms are in pages.
Anytime you finish with one page, click on [Save & continue]
17. For the ladies, you can take the photo with apron & cap or without apron & cap.
18. All the information with asterisks(*) are compulsory to fill.
19. If there are no asterisks(*) you can decide not to fill that part.
20. Anytime you’re typing contact number, just start 0244…
Do not start like +233544…..
21. Provide an accurate email address.
22. Be circumspect when you get to the employment history page.
23. You will be asked to tick yes or no. If you are not on gov’t payroll, tick (NO)
24. If you are on gov’t payroll, tick (YES).
You will be asked to upload your study leave letter & also provide information on the institution you work with.
25. Be circumspect when you get to [
Have you previously done your national service?]
Select NO
26. You shall also be asked to provide the
Length of your trouser, waist of trouser & size of your shirt neck. [This is not compulsory for both males & females]
27. When you get to the Industrial Preference option,
select any two of the options.
28. You will be asked to select 3 different Regions.
Note: Always choose your desired REGION as the 1st choice before any other region
30. You will be asked to click on the REVIEW to check all the information you have provided.
31. If all the information is correct, click on [SUBMIT].
32. A congratulatory message will be received.
Your NSS NUMBER, PIN CODE, INDEX NUMBER is in the congratulatory message.
33. Save the congratulatory message. And also make sure you save the exact email address you used for the online registration.
34. congratulations, you’re done with the online registration
35. The printout page will be Blank.
You are not required to print any form to the NSS office.
Very important thing is to save the congratulatory message & your email address, you can as well SAVE or PRINT the final document to your phone or computer.
37. The next step is to wait until the NSS releases the Appointment Letters.
38. You will need the email address, NSS number & NSS pin code to be able to check the Appointment Letter.
If you start the online registration & you stop halfway, you will be required to begin the whole process from the start again.
- The personal Dashboard is not active NOW. So if you try to log in, the system will tell you the email is not correct.
Don’t bother yourself to login now. - If you can’t do the online registration on your own, kindly go to the internet café.
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