

Nkrumah is but a God… Worship him thee Lord.. Misappropriation he forestalled… Neo-scramble he forewarned… Tell me where he was wrong… Is it his industrialization

Koffi Selorm Koffi Selorm 2 Min Read

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In This Issues

Poem: Men are from Mars

As well as differing in the ways they work, men and women differ in how they react to tough problems.

Poem: She Verses

This is certainly not the first, neither would it be the last. Poetic Koncept will write and deliver to the

Poem: Easter Conundrum

For our salvation, Christ was crucified and died for our sins so that whoever believes in his resurrection shall have

Poem: Extra time of Love

Love should be genuine. A unique factor that can't be done away with. Profoundly tender and affectionate should be its

December 2023

Enterprise Magazine


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