Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame” Psalm 34:5
It’s so easy to get caught up into the cares of this world and neglect the hope we have in the next one. There’s nothing wrong with being involved and engaged in politics, work-related issues, family demands, or community concerns.
Our problems arise when we let them take so much ground in our lives that we forget this place isn’t our home. Distraction is the nemesis of focus. Keeping focus on Christ means that we’re purposefully fading out everything that pulls us away from connecting with Him.
It’s a disciplined lifestyle of choosing to see every blessing and struggle through the lens of Christ. How can we stay focused in a world of busyness? A careful and deliberate study into God’s word will always realign our focus with His will. The scriptures can direct our attention towards the spiritual gaps.